Celebrating 49 years in the fine art business!
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Sharon Saseen

“I am at my best when painting on location. The spirit or the essence of the subject matter speaks to me. For an instance I have captured the subject and the mood that is conveyed. Like the Romantic English poets, I am in communion with nature. My spirit is lifted and so hopefully is the viewers' of my work.” Sharon's art educational and professional accomplishments are impressive. She holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts and Master of Art Education degrees from the University of Georgia as well as a Master of Fine Arts degree from Syracuse University. Her art is playing a major role in shaping the South's artistic heritage. Her works have been described as "delicate...whimsical...an enchanting mixture of color, warmth and imagination." Each one represents her own magical blend of creativity coupled with meticulous attention to accuracy and detail.

Website:  Saseen.com